Completed projects
Ongoing projects

Torsboda industrial park

We are planning to build a temporary interchange on the E4 highway at Torsboda in Timrå. The interchange will make it possible to get to and from the industrial park in a smooth and safe way. The interchange will operate while the Swedish Transport Administration plans, designs and builds a permanent solution.

Trafikverket arbetar tillsammans med oss, enligt avtal tecknat mellan Timrå kommun och Trafikverket, med en vägplan samt projektering och produktion av en ny permanent trafikplats. Samrådstiden är 16 december 2024 till 6 februari 2025.

Exit and entry ramps will be built to and from the E4 in both east and west directions so that both north and southbound traffic can pass in and out of the area.

The traffic study carried out by WSP on behalf of Torsboda Industrial Park AB in connection with the detailed plan work can be read here "

Läs även på Trafikverkets hemsida om projektet.

A temporary interchange is planned for Torsboda.