About us

Billing information

Organisation number: 556415-5231
Bankgiro: 5626-9327

All invoices must be addressed to Torsboda Industrial Park and contain the first name and surname of your reference with us. If applicable, the project number should also be included, preferably in the invoice header.

Torsboda Industrial Park AB

EDI: GLNnr 7340109102919
VAN Operator Tieto Sweden


If you do not have the possibility to e-invoice, please send an e-mail instead:


The invoice should be sent as a PDF and a maximum of one PDF per invoice and email.

Physical invoice

If you cannot send an electronic invoice or email a PDF, send your physical invoice to the postal address:

Torsboda Industrial Park AB
FE 7555 Scancloud
831 90 ÖSTERSUND, Sweden

If you have any questions, please contact ekonomi@torsboda.com