Are you an experienced salesperson who wants to work with international customers and contribute to green transition and good growth? Apply for the job as a business developer/salesperson with us at Torsboda Industrial Park!
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PTL meddelade tisdag 7 januari att de överklagar myndigheten ISP:s beslut om att inte tillåta PTL:s investering i Torsboda. I avvaktan på regeringens prövning inleder Torsboda Industrial Park dialoger med PTL kring hur det fortsatta arbetet kan se ut framåt.
I avvaktan på PTL:s beslut om att överklaga ISP:s nej till PTL:s investering, pausar Torsboda Industrial Park och PTL avtalet om marköverlåtelsen.
Yesterday it was announced that the company PTL, which wants to establish an anode factory in Torsboda, has not received permission for its investment from the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products, ISP. Today, Timrå, Sundsvall and Härnösand municipalities held a joint press conference together with Torsboda Industrial Park.
PTL has today informed us that the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products, ISP, does not approve PTL's investment in Torsboda as the company is not considered to meet the conditions set by the authority for a yes. We are reviewing the situation and continue to work on our mission.
The Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products, ISP, which is working on the licensing of our first incumbent's planned investment in Torsboda, has now given PTL conditions they must meet in order to obtain a license. PTL has taken note of the conditions and will now in turn respond to the authority.