
Well-attended open meeting in Timrå

The issues included the local environment and jobs when the company PTL, Timrå municipality and Torsboda Industrial Park jointly invited to an open meeting on Monday evening.

- One of the things I take away from the meeting is the commitment that exists among the people of Timrå. There were interesting conversations and my opinion and hope is that a lot of questions were straightened out, says Stefan Dalin, chairman of the municipal board in Timrå and chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park.

More than 100 people came to the meeting at Sundsvall Timrå Airport where PTL described how they work with the environmental permit and how the establishment work is progressing. This was followed by a panel discussion in which Stefan Dalin (S), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board and Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park, Peter Ekström, Acting Head of Growth at Timrå Municipality, Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park and Andreas Hamrin, spokesperson for PTL, took part. Suki Wang, Head of Establishment PTL, was also present.

Many questions were asked during the meeting. One participant asked whether PTL will work to achieve lower emissions than the environmental requirements, based on the fact that they claim to be world leaders, or whether they will be just at the highest permitted level.

- We really have the ambition to build the best anode material manufacturing plant in the world. It is in our own interest to have low emissions, as our customers place demands on their suppliers," said Andreas Hamrin. "We are in the environmental permit process and are now completing our application to the Land and Environment Court.

Questions were also raised about how the factory can need as many employees as 1900 when the manufacturing process is automated.

- "The number is based on the company's existing factories," said Suki Wang. This will be the largest factory of its kind in Europe and will require a large number of employees, for example to monitor processes, transportation of materials and logistics.

Tonight, Tuesday, May 21, there is an open meeting in Sundsvall and on Wednesday, May 22, in Härnösand. 18.00 is the time that applies. Welcome to the meeting!