
Jackpot for Torsboda - billion-dollar investment creates 1,900 jobs

Torsboda Industrial Park signs an agreement with the world-leading green tech company PTL - one of Northvolt's most important suppliers. The company is investing over SEK 13 billion in a unique initiative that is expected to generate 1,900 jobs at the site.

- This is just the start. Our region now has a unique opportunity to become Europe's hub for the green battery industry," says Stefan Dalin (S), Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park and Chairman of the Municipal Board in Timrå.

Torsboda Industrial Park was established in 1990 to develop the area around Sundsvall-Timrå Airport. The company is jointly owned by the municipalities of Sundsvall and Timrå, and the municipality of Härnösand is also involved.  

Niklas Säwén (S), vice-chair of the municipal council in Sundsvall, points out how all three municipalities face similar challenges.  

- In terms of population size and tax base, there is a trend towards inward migration, and in some areas the problem is outward migration. It's about jobs, welfare and housing. Yes, the entire social structure. An establishment in Torsboda creates fantastic benefits for our three municipalities and the whole of northern Sweden. We can see how an establishment reverses the trend and creates strong growth and increased tax revenues.   

In June 2020, Timrå City Council decided that the company would develop a larger industrial site in Torsboda, and after coming second in the battle for the establishment of the Northvolt/Volvo Cars battery factory, efforts were further intensified.  

- "After a long process where we met with potential companies from all over the world, the choice has finally fallen on PTL," says a delighted Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park.

- PTL has invested many billions in research and development, putting them at the absolute forefront of the green industry. We share a common ambition for our region to become the hub of the European battery industry. PTL has also made it clear that it wants to become an integral part of our local community, supporting both sports and associations.

World leader

PTL is a world leader in anode production for lithium batteries, producing more than 80 percent of the components in a battery. The facility in Torsboda, which will be the largest in Europe for the production of anode materials, will initially employ 1,000 people. At a later stage, 1 900 people are expected to work in production. The company's ambition is also to establish a research and development department that will employ 300 people.  

The plant will have an annual anode capacity of 50,000 tons of anode material in the first phase, and in phase two there is potential to double the capacity. PTL, which is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, is extremely large in Asia's battery value chain, and has also been established in Europe for some years. With the investment in Torsboda, PTL will become one of the most important suppliers to the Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt.

- PTL is a global leading manufacturer of anode materials, and their establishment in Sweden will not only lower the carbon footprint of batteries, but is likely to encourage further players in the battery value chain to establish their operations in the Nordics", says Alexander Streif, Vice President Supply Chain Management at Northvolt.

Next steps

The extensive establishment in Torsboda means that Sweden is taking another important step in managing the entire battery value chain. The goal is to build a state-of-the-art factory with the highest sustainability requirements, powered by 100 percent green energy. At the same time, the investment is an important contribution to a continued European green transition.  

PTL will now enter a phase of project planning and permit applications, while Torsboda Industrial Park continues to work on infrastructure and development of the North area of the site.

- This is just the start, the first of many establishments we see coming. We now have a unique opportunity to become Europe's hub for green industry, a chance to grow in our region, take our responsibility for transforming society and contribute to making northern Sweden an important player in the green transition. We have worked hard and now we have reached a first stop, but it is a long-term investment where everyone is needed together," says Stefan Dalin, Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park.

Welcome to an information meeting about the establishment in Torsboda.

A chance to learn more about this unique initiative and an opportunity to have your questions answered.

Timrå: Sundsvall Timrå Airport May 9
City Hall May 10
Härnösand: Sambiblioteket May 11

Information at 15.00, 17.00 and 19.00.

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