
An award to be shared by many

Torsboda Industrial Park was yesterday awarded "Community Builder of the Year" at the Sundsvall Business Awards. The management of the company emphasizes that the honor should go to all the employees in the municipalities and partners who make community building possible.

- It is with great pleasure that we receive this award and I hope that everyone who works for our various activities in the municipalities feels involved, says Stefan Dalin (S), Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park and Chairman of the Municipal Board in Timrå. We see this as a prize not primarily for what has been done, but it is filled with hope for what is to come. Together we will do everything we can to equip the community and ensure that the establishments are as good as possible.

The nomination was: Torsboda Industrial Park has, in collaboration with municipalities in Västernorrland, contributed to bringing the largest industrial establishment in modern times to the county - an industrial park with companies that generate at least 2000 jobs. Torsboda Industrial Park has created the conditions for Västernorrland to continue to develop as an attractive place through sustainable community building.

- "I am proud of this award, but above all I am proud of all the employees, authorities and partners who make this initiative possible. Creating jobs and attracting newcomers is necessary for us to manage welfare in the future," says Niklas Säwén (S), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board of Sundsvall and Vice Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park. "The investment in Torsboda is also proof that cooperation between our municipalities is effective, and the award adds renewed energy to the work that is now taking place.

- We are building the community together. Schools, care, leisure, public transport, housing - the list of things that need to work in order for the transformation to succeed is long," says Andreas Sjölander (S), Chairman of Härnösand Municipal Council. "We also believe in a development where large industrial establishments create ripples and conditions for more companies to flourish in our area.

Continuing to work for more jobs

Last spring, TorsbodaIndustrial Park signed its first agreement with battery component manufacturer PTL.

- Many people have worked hard to ensure that Torsboda is now one of Europe's best locations for large-scale establishments in the battery industry. We have signed our first agreement and continue to work to ensure that the establishment goes smoothly and that more companies come here," says Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park. It's great that all our work is being recognized!

The Sundsvall business award is organized annually by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the award "Samhällsbyggare Årets" is awarded to a person, company, organization, project or innovation that develops and contributes to making Västernorrland a modern, sustainable and attractive place.