
Local plan Torsboda Nord out for consultation - Decision expected in August

Just one week after the first major establishment, the next important step is now being taken. The Torsboda Nord area is an important part of the initiative and the detailed plan is now out for consultation.
- We need to work together. It has been great to see all the positive reactions from the local community in connection with the news of the first establishment," says Olof Lindstrand, City Architect of Timrå Municipality.

The first establishment has landed, but work continues to develop Torsboda Industrial Park and prepare the community for strong population growth.
- "This was only the first stage. We have already rolled up our sleeves and are now preparing for the next important piece of the puzzle. We aim to have a detailed plan ready for adoption in August," says Olof Lindstrand, City Architect, Timrå Municipality.

The purpose of the detailed plan is to test the possibility of creating conditions for a new major industrial area in Torsboda, Torsboda Nord, which is located about 2.5 km west of Söråker's center. The plan area is strategically located close to the E4, airport, railway and port and forms part of a larger industrial area for energy-intensive industry.

Consultation for the detailed plan for Torsboda Nord with associated environmental and impact assessment is now starting and will run from May 11 to June 2. Olof Lindstrand is looking forward to the meeting with citizens.
- "These plans are of course of great public interest and it is extremely important that citizens are involved in the process. The development of Torsboda is highly relevant to all Timrå residents.

He also highlights how the initiative runs like a red thread through the entire community and across municipal boundaries. Around the region, people are now preparing for population growth. Olof Lindstrand highlights the development of the Solhöjden housing project as an example of what is on Tillväxt Timrå's table.
- It feels extremely exciting to work as a civil servant in our region right now. The politicians have set ambitious goals.

He emphasizes the importance of society acting together to reverse the negative population trend.
-We need to work together. It has been great to see all the positive reactions from the local community in connection with the news of the establishment. Because in the end, it is the citizens who do the work and pave the way for a stronger Timrå - and a stronger region - where more people want to live," concludes Olof Lindstrand.

A consultation meeting in the form of an open house will take place in Söråkers Folkets Hus, May 23 at 18:00-20:00.