
Parts of the agreement are classified

Torsboda Industrial Park has waited to show the agreement signed with PTL in May while waiting for PTL's permit processes to make the investment to be completed. The Administrative Court of Appeal ruled last week that there are no grounds for keeping the entire agreement secret and Torsboda is now working on a version of the agreement that can be made public.  

- Since the agreement was signed, we have said that we want and will show as much of it as possible as soon as possible. Now we need to relate to the judgment of the Administrative Court of Appeal, which means that we are working on our confidentiality assessment of the parts of the agreement even more urgently. PTL's permit processes have also come a long way and it is important that we find a level where we are as transparent as possible without risking our business," says Stefan Dalin (S), chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park and chairman of the municipal executive board in Timrå.

Torsboda Industrial Park has waited to publish the agreement due to PTL's process for ODI, Overseas Direct Investment, i.e. their authorization process for making such a large investment in another country. As the deal means important jobs for the region, Torsboda Industrial Park could suffer significant damage if disclosure risked PTL's approval, so the agreement has not yet been disclosed.

Work has started on the confidentiality assessment of the agreement in its parts.

- This is an extensive work that we are doing as fast as we can. As in all business deals of this magnitude, there are parts that will not be made public, such as things that may harm one of the parties or future business. This may include information about timetables and technical solutions," says Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park. "Otherwise, we strive to be as transparent as possible. This is an agreement we are satisfied with and are happy to show!