Completed projects
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Our first establishment

Torsboda's first contract

In May 2023, Torsboda Industrial Park signed an agreement with green tech company PTL. PTL plans to invest over SEK 13 billion in a facility that is expected to generate at least 1,900 jobs on site.

I december 2024 meddelade företaget att de inte fått investeringstillstånd från den svenska myndigheten ISP, inspektionen för strategiska produkter. PTL berättade 7 januari 2025 att de valt att överklaga ISP:s beslut till regeringen.

PTL is the world leader in anode production for lithium batteries, producing more than 80% of the components that go into a battery. The Torsboda plant would be the largest in Europe for the production of anode materials and employ 1 900 people.

PTL, listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, is a major player in Asia's battery value chain and has also been established in Europe for some years.

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Torsboda South