
Press release

The chairmen of the municipal councils in Härnösand, Sundsvall and Timrå and the chairman of the regional board are calling on the Swedish Transport Administration to initiate a dialogue on how the authority views its role and task in the new industrialization that is taking place in Västernorrland. An invitation has been sent from the politicians to Director General Roberto Maiorana. This is partly in light of the ongoing establishment in Torsboda, where a first company establishment has been decided and where more establishments in the area are expected.

- We municipalities that are involved in this are doing everything we can and should to create the best possible conditions for securing establishments, but we do not have control over everything. The state must fulfill its part of the social contract, which means, among other things, that the Swedish Transport Administration must do what it is there to do. That is, take full responsibility for the infrastructure investments that follow in the wake of the establishments," says Stefan Dalin (S), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board in Timrå and Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park.

- "What we are worried about is that the state does not see everything that is currently happening, and will happen in the next few years, in our county. In the government's strategy for northern Sweden, Västernorrland risks being forgotten, despite the major establishments taking place here that will mean thousands of new jobs in the green transition. We must make sure that our voice is heard and that the state also sees our needs," says Niklas Säwén (S), chairman of the municipal council in Sundsvall.

Stefan Dalin (S), chairman of the municipal executive board in Timrå
073-270 95 39
Niklas Säwén (S), chairman of the municipal executive board in Sundsvall
072-085 74 33
Andreas Sjölander (S), chairman of the municipal executive board in Härnösand
070-899 86 88
Glenn Nordlund (S), chairman of the regional executive board in Region Västernorrland
070-558 81 53