
Open information sessions 9, 10 and 11 May

Citizens and entrepreneurs are invited to open information meetings in Härnösand, Timrå and Sundsvall regarding the industrial establishment in Torsboda. The same information is given on three occasions from the stage during the afternoon and evening. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after all information sessions. Come and go when it suits you.

‍Locationand time.

Timrå, May 9 - Sundsvall Timrå Airport
Information and question time at 15.00, 17.00 and 19.00.

Sundsvall, May 10 - City Hall
Information and question time at 15:00, 17:00 and 19:00.

Härnösand, May 11 - Sambiblioteket
Information and questions at 15.00, 17.00 and 19.00.