
Questions and answers in Härnösand

For three days, entrepreneurs and the general public have been able to meet PTL together with Torsboda Industrial Park and the municipalities of Härnösand, Sundsvall and Timrå. On Wednesday evening, the last open meeting was held for this time.

In addition to PTL's spokesperson Andreas Hamrin and Torsboda Industrial Park's CEO Christian Söderberg, Andreas Sjölander (S), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board and Uno Jonsson, Head of Growth, from Härnösand Municipality were on the Parkaden stage to answer questions related to PTL's establishment in Torsboda.

A selection of questions

One participant wondered whether the timetable, with production starting in the first quarter of 2026, is realistic given that the ground at Torsboda South is hilly and the groundwork has not yet started.

- "The timetable is based on us getting our permits in time," replied Andreas Hamrin, "and it may change. "Once the foundations are laid, the factory is not really that complicated to build. We know that we can get the walls and roof in place quickly because we have done it before.

A question was asked about how to prevent crime in the wake of the establishment.

- The municipalities are working together in networks with other authorities, such as the police and the financial crime authority, to deal with it," said Andreas Sjölander.

- PTL will also participate in the next meeting, confirmed Andreas Hamrin.

Another participant asked about the skills that will be in demand in the factory.

- We will need many engineers. It doesn't matter in which field, because employees will receive internal training to learn how to handle the factory's technology," answered Andreas Hamrin.

After PTL's establishment manager Suki Wang, who was also present, explained that the raw material in the factory is a residual product from the petroleum industry, a question was asked about what PTL will use in the future when less oil is hopefully used in the world.

- We plan to use bio-based material but the technology is not yet ready for it. The technology is there, but it needs to be developed so that our product can meet customer requirements. We will have a development department at the factory and I don't think it will take many years before we can start using that technology," said Suki Wang.

Working together for success

The chairman of the municipal council was pleased with the evening, which attracted almost 70 people.

- It was a really good meeting, I think. PTL is a catalyst in our social development, but we all need to work for successful social development. On the one hand, we in the public sector so that the conditions for increasing the population exist, and on the other hand, private companies and residents. Everyone plays a role in how we succeed," said Andreas Sjölander.

Strong interest among businesses

On Wednesday morning, the municipalities, PTL and Torsboda Industrial Park also held the third business meeting in as many days. In total, around 340 representatives from companies have now met us in Timrå, Sundsvall and Härnösand. PTL has told them, among other things, how they will work with procurements in the future. PTL continuously updates its website with information about it.

- We have held meetings for companies with the aim of opening up contact channels and creating dialog. We are working to enable entrepreneurs and businesses to benefit from the investment in our industrial park so that they can contribute to a growing Sundsvall region," says Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park.

In the picture: Uno Jonsson, Christian Söderberg, Andreas Hamrin and Andreas Sjölander and moderator Dag Jonzon