
About fifty interested people listened and asked questions in Sundsvall

Expectations, fears, questions and concerns were addressed when PTL, Sundsvall Municipality and Torsboda Industrial Park held an open meeting in the City Hall on Tuesday evening.

Niklas Säwén (S), Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board of Sundsvall and Vice Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park, opened the meeting and explained why Timrå, Härnösand and Sundsvall municipalities are jointly investing in the industrial park in Torsboda. To increase the number of inhabitants, the opportunity for local companies to become more and grow and to take advantage of the opportunities for new jobs when the climate transition changes industries were some of the reasons he highlighted.

- It is useful to meet and air both opportunities and challenges regarding what establishments in Torsboda mean, said Niklas Säwén. "If we work together, this will be the enabler for the social development we want to see.

PTL spokesperson Andreas Hamrin talked about PTL's product and the environmental permit process. He was then joined on stage by Pernilla Berg, process manager for social transformation at Sundsvall Municipality, Christian Söderberg, CEO of Torsboda Industrial Park and Niklas Säwén, all of whom were ready to answer questions.

One respondent asked about PTL's planned production of anode materials for batteries in light of the rapid pace of technological development. He wondered whether a new generation of batteries will make PTL's product obsolete quite soon. Andreas Hamrin replied:

- We would not have made this investment if we saw that risk. Of course, technology is constantly evolving and we need a research department at the factory to keep up. We have a strong focus on development.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, you have the chance to come and ask your questions to PTL, Torsboda Industrial Park's CEO Christian Söderberg and Härnösand Municipality. 18.00 at Parkaden in Härnösand starts our open meeting - welcome!