PTL has today informed us that the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products, ISP, does not approve PTL's investment in Torsboda as the company is not considered to meet the conditions set by the authority for a yes. We are reviewing the situation and continue to work on our mission.
- "We have just received the news and I am obviously disappointed," says Stefan Dalin (S), chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park and chairman of the Timrå municipal board. "Now we need to talk more with PTL and analyze our own situation before we can say more.
PTL has the possibility to appeal the decision to the government and expresses that they will decide on it shortly.
- We are now working to obtain more information and what this means for us," says Niklas Säwén (S), Vice Chairman of Torsboda Industrial Park and Chairman of Sundsvall Municipal Executive Board. "Regardless of how things go for PTL's establishment, we have a pronounced strategy to promote the green transition and that future jobs will be created in our region. We have developed industrial land with excellent conditions for electricity-intensive industry and we continue to aim forward.
Torsboda Industrial Park's CEO Christian Söderberg received the announcement from PTL's European Director Dr. Yu Han together with Stefan Dalin and Niklas Säwén this morning. PTL's establishment would mean 1900 jobs in a battery parts factory.
- Right now, of course, it feels sad. We have worked hard together with PTL for their establishment. We are tasked with developing an industrial park with large establishments that, according to the current plan, will be completed in 2033 and we will continue to do so. We are working with other stakeholders while following PTL's appeal decision with interest," says Christian Söderberg.